Monday, November 9, 2015

You Might Be A Pharisee If…

A cancer of the soul that has plagued God's people since the beginning is a pharisaical heart.  Call it what you like Pharisee, Externalist, or Moralist.  Mark 7:1-23 is a final collusion between the gospel of the legalistic Pharisees and the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus brings the hearts of the Pharisees into the light. It is easy for us to dismiss them, but this spiritual sickness easily infects the hearts of God’s most faithful. Here is a look in the mirror to see if this describes you. I know that I have to be putting these sins to death in my own heart constantly.

· You are more concerned with others behaviors than your own heart.

In Mark 7, the disciples are accused of not observing the traditions of the elders. These traditions had grown out of interpretation and reinterpretation.

· You believe that grumbling and complaining is a spiritual gift.

While grumbling and complaining is an ancient practice that dates back to Moses (See Numbers 1:1). While there are times that sin must be confronted, a constant negative, grumbling spirit is not of the Lord. Encouragement does fall in the category of spiritual gifts though!

· You emphases more eternal behavior, but ignore the heart.

Husbands and wives does your spouses sins disgust you more than your own sin? Can you easily pick out the sins of others and it makes you feel better about your sin because it’s not as “big” as others sins?

· You elevate achievable human applications to the statues of God’s law.

Have you ever judged someone on Sunday Morning for not wearing a suit to church? Have you judged someone for not parenting the way you do? The Bible clearly states we are to judge (1 Corinthians 5:12) by God’s standard, not mans.

· You mislocate your struggle with sin.

Have you ever said the following, “I’m sorry, its just I’m going through or dealing with ____________.” That statement seeks to excuse our behavior based on external circumstances. We need to be saying things like, “Please forgive me for my sinful heart or words.” That would be more beneficial. We need to start owning our sinful hearts and stop giving halfway excuses that sound like repentance. Our struggle with sin remains within us, not outside of us. God uses difficult situations to show us what is inside of us. Difficult situations squeeze us like a toothpaste tube until the sin is openly exposed.

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